for professional
and personal life
+7(916) 592-23-89

+7 913 378-11-66

About meditation practice

Modern meditations

It is widely known that the ancient spiritual traditions are the source of the most effective modern psycho technologies.

But the fact that with all the cultural diversity of techniques that are present in various spiritual traditions, there is a single universal structure of the spiritual path remains obscure. It is the same for almost all traditions, be it Christianity, Buddhism, Taoist or any other – no matter how different they are in their external manifestations.

The proposed program is the author’s reconstruction of this single universal structure, expressed in the categories of modern science. It can be considered as a modern version of ancient energy practices.

This version is organized in such a way that each meditation is aimed at solving the problems of the business life of a modern person. It is understood that personal life and the tasks arising in it are inseparable from business life: business is seen as a way to implement deeply personal motives.

The program includes both business problem solving technologies and ways to solve personal problems.


The main content of the program is three practices: tracking, energy transformation, non-doing.

The first practice is tracking problem stories in current events and in personal history. This practice includes techniques for identifying and recognizing outdated (leading to dead ends) stereotypes of thinking and behavior. Such stereotypes are laid in childhood and adolescence and become a source of various problems in business and personal life, as well as the cause of diseases.

The objects of tracking are the subtlest internal stresses that accompany each stereotype of thinking or behavior leading to a given problem.

The result of tracking down is knowledge of how this stereotype is represented in the subconscious of a person. This practice allows you to find the source of problems in your own unconscious experience, which is represented in bodily reactions and in bodily sensations.

The second practice is the transformation of the energy of problem subjects in current events and in personal history.

We will show that every problem in personal and professional life can be represented as a result of the decay of qi energy (spiritual energy) into the constituent components of yin and yang. One of these two components remains in the mind and controls the actions and thoughts, the other is displaced and affects the behavior indirectly. Training participants are trained to feel these types of energy and control their evolution. Both types of energy are subjectively experienced as subtle emotionally colored sensations and can be realized with the help of tracking techniques.

Transformations are subject to all sensual and bodily reactions found in the process of tracking.

The result of the transformation is the restoration of qi energy and the complete elimination of the old ineffective stereotypes of thinking and behavior. Instead, a special state of power appears to solve the problem.

Each energy transformation technique is a special meditation based on the simultaneous use of concentration and defocusing of attention. All techniques contain two basic steps: 1. it is necessary to defocus attention to such an extent that one is aware of all the sensations generated by experiencing the problem, 2. to direct concentration to the central region of these sensations.

Subjectively, the whole sequence of steps as a whole can be perceived as if we are “letting in” the experience of the problem deep into the inner territory, “helping” the experience to “show itself” as much as possible. This can also be expressed by the words “move towards the experience.” As a result of these actions, the intensity of experiencing the problem begins to increase, but then the transformation processes are activated; experiencing the problem decreases and disappears. Instead, knowledge is born of how the problem is solved and the ability to carry out all the necessary actions for this.

The third practice is not doing. It is assumed that any problem is a consequence of errors of perception, thinking and inaccurate actions – inaccurate “doing.” In other words, a person is the author of each of his problems. In a certain sense, he creates (makes) the world in which his life path runs, unconsciously using the same “old” stereotypes.

The term “not doing” means stopping the “doing” of the old stereotypes, their abolition. Instead of them, spontaneously, without special efforts, a new way of action is born (in the old context), guaranteeing the solution of problems of this type. These new actions arise as a result of the transformation of the energy of the “old” stereotype and are deliberate. The practice of not-doing allows you to gradually create a new picture of the world and a new reality in which there is no place for the old problems and diseases. This practice maintains a high level of creative activity. A person practicing non-doing is able to create new behavior in each specific situation.


All three practices are performed sequentially. Together they form a sequence of three elements generating each other.